In preparation for the highly-anticipated release of the new “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” movie, Paramount tasked us with creating a series of 8-10 captivating Giphy stickers. The goal was to leverage the power of social media and engage audiences worldwide, driving excitement and anticipation for the upcoming movie release.
The “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” Giphy sticker campaign delivered
outstanding results:
Over 100 Million Views in the First Day: The stickers instantly resonated with fans, amassing over 100 million views on Giphy within the first day of release, creating a viral buzz and setting the internet abuzz with turtle fever.
Three Trending Stickers on Instagram: On the first day of their release, we had three Trending Stickers on Instagram under the #TMNT hashtag, attracting significant attention from users worldwide.
Increased Brand Awareness: The campaign significantly boosted the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” brand’s online presence, generating heightened excitement for the upcoming movie release.
Organic Engagement: Through organic sharing, the stickers reached a vast and diverse audience, with fans eagerly adopting them to express their enthusiasm for the movie.
Role: Design, Direction and Motion

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